April 25, 2018 – JOLT – A personal reach-out, from you to who?
“Communication – the human connection – is the key to personal and career success.” – Paul J. Meyer
“Reach out…
…reach out and touch someone” is a jingle many of us remember from years ago.
It was before the quick, techy methods of connecting available now.
No, this isn’t about making a case for “the good ol’ days” because these are the good ol’ days! The ways in which we can connect and stay in touch today bring a quality of life we didn’t have in the days when you “let your fingers do the walking.”
For example, when I vagabonded through Europe after college, I had to find specific locations in major cities where international calls could be put through, and I’d stand in a booth and pay out the wazoo to chat for only a few minutes with family. Then, after a year abroad, I showed them pictures of my travels.
Today, my fiance’s daughter can keep us apprised in moment-by-moment real-time of her own year abroad with high-def pics and videos of everything she does PLUS unlimited calling or video chat for the price of air.
Communication has definitely gotten easier. Email (such as this), social media platforms and all manner of tech-connect has brought us together like never before.
AND…let’s not forget what the power of an actual voice-to-voice, face-to-face, or flesh-to-flesh interaction can provide.
Five years ago, the Asst Dean of Career Services for USC encouraged me to begin teaching the principles in my book “Never Apply for a Job Again” to MBA programs because, he said, those younger folks needed to know how to communicate better outside of texting or social media.
Yet, the simple art of direct, meaningful, and discovery-oriented talking has started to slip by many of us…not just the up-and-comers.
Sure, it’ll be very efficient to fire off some emails (like I did here), texts and engage on [fill in your favorite social media] today.
But who you gonna call — or coffee with — for the sake of greater connection?
Today’s mission, should you choose to accept it: pick someone, surprise them with a personal reach-out, and take a few minutes to simply see what unfolds from the conversation.
Also, putting my schedule where my mouth is, given you take the time to read my weekly missives, I’d enjoy getting to know you better. Click Here to schedule a simple hello call. Let me know what you’re up to in your life, I’ll share what I’m up to in mine and offer myself freely to answer any questions.
Got reach out?
“Make connecting with others a daily priority.”- John Maxwell
The post April 25, 2018 – JOLT – A personal reach-out, from you to who? appeared first on CareerGuy.com.