“Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know.” – Pema Chodron |
So much anticipation is brewing. . .
as the world goes through the lunging and retreating cycle, making its way toward being free again.
Cruise lines are now charting “trips to nowhere” for vaccinated patrons, while whole countries are instituting full lockdowns again. Some states are flinging wide the doors while, at the same time, warnings of variant surges dominate the airways.
It may come sooner, it may come later, and there’s definitely still a long road ahead, but there’s a flickering light emerging at the end of this chrysalis-of-a-year tunnel: freedom is on it’s way!
The question is, what You is coming out of this cocoon? What do you have to show for your Self?
Dorothy was told by Glinda the Good Witch, at the end of her adventures with The Wizard of Oz, that she could have gone home at any time, but she had to learn that for herself. Scarecrow then asks Dorothy what she learned.
Her answer was hers, but what’s yours? What can you list as your new gifts, values, directions, awareness or insights for living? How is a better version of You coming forth?
As we all eventually bust out of this encasement and stretch our new wings, getting a clear sense of your Self that flies beyond these times will somehow make it more bearable. . .if not eventually worthwhile.
It sure beats being a victim to it all.
Think differently, play better.
CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier
Got last-chance learning opp? “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” – Robert Frost |
The post March 17, 2021 – JOLT – Checkin In: Last Days of Learning Opportunities Approaching! appeared first on CareerGuy.com.
“The more you seek the uncomfortable the more you will become comfortable.” – Conor McGregor |
There’s a dance which many resist learning. . .
which is the dance between authenticity and growth.
Authenticity is at a premium today, and people/prospects/potential partners smell it out.
We’re bombarded by ads and emails and social media so much that our nose sniffs first for authenticity before we put more than a split second into any distraction from our day. . .which promotions always are. Are they real? Are they selling something? Can I trust them?
Yet, there’s an actual learning process to be authentic! Think about it: we’re not raised to be authentic. We’re raised to make sure we look good, do things right, look like we’ve got it together and things under control. . .which is completely inauthentic.
But any venture of becoming a better version of ourselves involves us doing things differently than we have in the past. Thinking differently. Acting differently. We only grow outside our comfort zones.
And, for many, that feels weird and “not me.” But that’s only if you base your definition of the authentic “you” on who you’ve been in the past and the ways you’ve operated in the past (aka, “comfort zone”).
No easy answer here, and yet the dance of growth relies on giving up old comfort zones of being “myself” so that a greater “my Self” can arise. Which means trading in an old sense of authenticity for a new one. . .that may feel really weird for a while.
In what area of your life can you dance toward a new authenticity today?
Think differently, play better.
CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier
Got comfortably uncomfortable? “Be willing to be uncomfortable. Be comfortable being uncomfortable. It may get tough, but it’s a small price to pay for living a dream.To make progress, you have to learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable.” – Peter McWilliams |
The post March 3, 2021 – JOLT – Feeling Comfortably Uncomfortable appeared first on CareerGuy.com.
“It is strange, but true, that the most important turning-points of life often come at the most unexpected times and in the most unexpected ways.” – Napoleon Hill |
If you’re anyone like me. . .
you attempt, at some level, to control life.
And, of course, in its basic survival sense, that’s understandable and even necessary for our mental, emotional and physical well being.
Yet, if we jump to the other major dimension of our lives — the spiritual — too much of that good thing for survival can be a bad thing for our development.
Have you ever had something favorable occur in your life that’s so outside of your current reality that you can’t help but be present to a new possibility for living and, perhaps, even a new concept of yourself?
Many of us have, and we can name them. But most of us don’t invite them.
The controlling interest our ego has in determining our best path forward (aka, safest), what’s right for us (aka, comfortable), and how everything should go according to our plans (aka, what we “know”) doesn’t leave much room for turns of events or new situations that cause us to grow (aka, risky, challenging, unknown) and become more of who we CAN be.
So, if you want to pray for something radical today, have it be for something to occur that knocks your socks off and opens you up to what’s really possible for you and a totally upleveled self concept.
Once you get a taste of your unexpected prayers being answered, you’ll become like Pavlov’s dog, salivating at the new you awaiting you every day.
Think differently, play better.
CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier
Got unexpected prayers? “To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect.” – Oscar Wilde |
The post February 24, 2021 – JOLT – Expecting the Unexpected? Pray That You’ll Get It! appeared first on CareerGuy.com.