“Keep fresh before me the moments of my high resolve. Despite the dullness and barrenness of the days that pass, if I search with due diligence, I can always find a deposit left by some former radiance.” – Howard Thurman
in your career, business, relationships, health, finances, eating habits or even decluttering your closet space can take forever to consider, much less implement?
What is it that pushes you over into commitment and action?
It’s all so understandably human that we shy away from the good-intentioned and bettering-our-life changes until they’re urgent because, well, change doesn’t come easy to a human psyche based on comfort zones and safety.
And there’s nothing wrong with that: it’s just the way we’re wired.
But, knowing that lay of the land when it comes to true change in our life, how do you counter the pull toward procrastination, mediocrity and immobility?
Not by yourself, for sure!!
That may be the biggest delusion that humans face, thinking that we will somehow at sometime get to the point of firing up our engines of change on our own.
Sure, sometimes those self-directed initiatives do gain legs and, for sure, when fire is under our ass for something that has to happen NOW, we may get it done.
But what if we could move forward 70% of the time we are inspired versus 20%?
It happens by telling others. It happens by asking others to hold you accountable. It happens by putting yourself into structures that force you to place your butt on the line with no excuses.
What in the life and times of YOU finally deserves that ACTION that you’ve been considering for so long?
If it happens to be around moving your career forward in a powerful way, on a budget and with velocity, check out a new program my HR executive wife and I put together to get folks ramped up for the BEST career transition time: summer!
Yes, you’d be amazed that, beyond a good resume, your being in a position to meet the thought-leaders, hiring professionals and executives sitting beside you at the beach or an outdoor cafe can actually initiate way more traction than you’d imagine. . .when most people think summer is the time to lay back.
Check it out here – https://www.careersecrets.com/dream-job-landing-pad – and let me know if you have any questions.
BTW, it’s a BRAND SPANKING NEW program with some polish, nips and tucks to be implemented. . .which is why we’re offering a HUGE discount for our initial beta testers.
This is the structure that can get you moving if your career is in any holding pattern whatsoever: https://www.careersecrets.com/dream-job-landing-pad.
Think differently, play better.
CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier
Got high resolve for change?
– Tony Robbins
The post May 19, 2021 – JOLT – What Does It Take To Get You Moving On Your Moments Of High Resolve? appeared first on CareerGuy.com.
“Everybody has their own Mount Everest they were put on this earth to climb.” – Seth Godin
you into becoming bigger than you’ve been before?
You simply can’t get on the other side of a big goal — or even close to the finish line — being the same person you’ve always been.
Though there’s often an initial, internal (and sometimes external) “Uggh!” that comes when you realize that things are just going to keep being same ‘ol same ‘ol until you say otherwise, you’ve no doubt experienced the almost immediate energy transformation when declaring that something beyond “this” is possible. . .and commit to it!
Then, if engaging and operating true to that commitment, you begin to hear a great sucking sound pulling toward you all manner of conditions, circumstances, situations and events that require you to become other than who’ve you’ve been so as to overcome those challenges.
Don’t you just love playing big??
Of course you do!
So, declare a BIG future today that you’re going to create in some area meaningful to you — career, business, relationship, health, finances, purposeful dreams, etc. — to shift out of same ‘ol same ‘ol. And get ready for suction.
Yet, if you find yourself reading this and agreeing in principle but NOT declaring anything bigger, find someone to pull it out of you. . .because becoming is the best game in town.
Think differently, play better.
CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier
Got big goals that suck?
– Jim Rohn
The post May 5, 2021 – JOLT – Do Your Goals Suck? The Big Ones Always Do appeared first on CareerGuy.com.
“The world’s favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible.” – Edwin Way Teale
but have you noticed the itch?
Of course, many of us have been itching for over a year.
The freedom to connect unreservedly again, the license to look outward at who we want to be, what we want to do, where we want to go.
There’s cautionary measures still to be maintained, no doubt, but the psyche is anticipating it’s rise from isolation. Time for spring gleaning!
What are you rising into? What have you learned? Where do you start afresh?
Our traditional New Year all-things-possible mentality was overshadowed by continued darkness a few months ago, but now we have a new quarter and new season of the year calling us to awaken. And 15 months calls for a lot of awakening!
Your “new year,” new intention, new expression, new YOU can start right now. It’s time to spring forward and design the next best version from all that you’ve experienced.
You’re still here. It’s for a reason. Spring your gleaning into action!
Clean out the covid cobwebs, declutter the limited mindset, and create something extraordinary to tell your grandkids came on the heels of your world shutting down for a bit.
Think differently, play better.
CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier
Got spring gleaning?
– Robin Williams
The post April 14, 2021 – JOLT – Time For Spring Gleaning? appeared first on CareerGuy.com.