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September 22, 2021 – JOLT – Gamify Your Life… And Watch the Results Roll In

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”

George Bernard Shaw


Though we’re trained to “get serious” in life. . .

both empirical as well as academic research has proven that play nets greater results.

It goes contrary to our training, for sure, but the fact that creativity and initiative both increase when one is in a “game” environment versus a pressure/work/succeed vs. failure environment has the concept of “playing” for results growing in awareness. . .in both personal and business settings.

An early cultural study on play was a 1938 book, Homo Ludens, by Johan Huizinga. It states that two of the essential characteristics of play are an occurrence outside of ordinary life and a lack of seriousness.

Yet, so many of us in our own personal lives — much less in our business initiatives — have a hard time divorcing our actions from the when-it-absolutely-has-to-be-there-overnight results we want to achieve.

Huizinga introduced the idea, later expanded by Katie Salen Tekinbaş and Eric Zimmerman, authors of Rules of Play, of a “Magic Circle” that separates play from serious activities and that is entered when one is beginning to play.

In both my own experience as well as those I’ve supported with PlayGame Coaching™, there is a lessening of the old industrial mindset of win/lose, succeed/fail and avoiding mistakes at all costs that frees one up to actually get creative and enjoy the process of developing new skills and mastery to expand oneself into new areas of growth.

Generally, society would have you believe that “if you ain’t no good at it yet, and you ain’t done it yet, you’ll never be and you won’t”. . .and that’s especially true for folks embarking on their second half (best half) of life, career, relationships, and purpose fulfillment.

So, the question is this: what areas of your life can you remove from the seriousness and pressure to get it “right” and turn it into a game?

I’ll discuss this more today at noon PST in the regular Wednesday Facebook Live video in our Back Forty Midlife Fliers group (join us here).

If you happen to be an executive that has been taking no action around your career growth because of fear, pressure or uncertainty, my HR executive wife and I have put together a gamified program to support contrary action for you this fall, to set you up for a winter or spring breakout transition.

This program is specifically designed for senior professionals and promises a whole new outlook on who you are, what you bring to the table, and where you go from here in your career.

If you want your future to be something playfully outside of your old box, check out a free 25min educational video here.

Think differently, play better.


CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier


Got a gamified life?

“Only by playing games regularly will I be able to hit my peak.”

– Ciro Immobile

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September 8, 2021 – JOLT – An Action/Patience Paradox For You

“Patience is a form of wisdom. It demonstrates that we understand the fact that sometimes things must unfold in their own time.”

Jon Kabat-Zinn


The edge of one’s own personal sweet spot. . .

between patience and drive is the mastery of paradox.

A monk once sat atop a great mountain and spoke to travelers who came for his wisdom. To one, who kvetched of her drive to accomplish and succeed and make great things happen, the monk advised her to learn patience and contentment. To the next visitor, who spoke of his feeling lost, without a rudder, and listlessness, the monk advised him to practice active engagement, heavy involvement and productivity.

Which one is right? It depends on which visitor you are and your path of growth!

Sometimes, for the driver, focused growth around patience and allowance of the natural unfoldment of things would be an evolved contrary action to explore. For the seeming lollygagger, taking action and boosting engagement even without certainty of direction is a step in the contrary (growth) direction.

Both quotes — the one at the top and bottom of this message — are true. Which one would be growth for YOU?

If you happen to be an executive that has been taking no action around your career growth because of economic or world uncertainty, my HR executive wife and I have put together a program to support contrary action for you this fall, to set you up for a winter or spring breakout transition.

This program is specifically designed for senior professionals and promises a whole new outlook on who you are, what you bring to the table, and where you go from here in your career.

If you want your future to be something outside of your old box, check out a free 25min educational video here.

Think differently, play better.


CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier


Got action/patience paradox?

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones that you did do.”

Mark Twain

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August 25, 2021 – JOLT – Expansive Fomenting For You?

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”

Anais Nin


The damn rub with growth and development. . .

is that it usually comes through crisis.

Because we like our comfy comfort zones, and have bought into the belief that life is about getting secure and comfy enough that we don’t have to stretch ourselves anymore, we usually need a brick against the head to actually invite more expansion into our lives — physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually — because the default direction is shrinkage.

It’s been said that our life is either growing or shrinking, nowhere in between.

What if life was more than getting to a cushy place, such as “retirement,” and rather about greater and greater expression of our Self and what we’re capable of?

If you’re not in that cushy place of sitting back yet, then you don’t need an instigator to keep you moving toward more growth. . .yet more inspiration never hurts.

If you do have the option of sitting on the sidelines now, here’s you might want to play with the rest of us:

Since crisis is most often necessary for big change to occur, if you happen to be interested in some changes in your life and don’t have a current crisis to be handled, what crisis can you foment?

To “foment” means “to instigate or foster (discord, rebellion, etc.); promote the growth or development of.” When it comes to a crisis, to foment means to make one up.

Why make up a crisis?? To foster growth, because in the end you either actively choose an ever-widening expansive world in which to engage or, by default, you accept the incredible shrinking world that just naturally occurs.

I’ll discuss this more today at noon PST in the regular Wednesday Facebook Live video in our Back Forty Midlife Fliers group (join us here).

If you’re interested in fomenting a crisis around your career, check out a FREE 15-minute educational video my HR executive wife and I put together to support you to be ready for fall career hiring.

Yes, you’d be amazed how, beyond a good resume, your being in a position to meet the thought-leaders, hiring professionals and executives in an authentic research mode can initiate way more traction than the typical front-door application approach. And, best thing is, you’re making those connections in a more personal and relationship-building way, which is way more fun and way less pressured.

Check it out here – – and let me know if you have any questions.

BTW, it’s a BRAND SPANKING NEW program with some polish, nips and tucks to be implemented. . .which is why we’re offering a HUGE discount for our initial beta testers. The tuition will increase in September, so NOW is the time to engage. . .and get a leg up on other fall job seekers.

This is the structure that will have you becoming stronger and better out of whatever career challenges you’ve been through:

Think differently, play better.


CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier


Got fomented crisis boost?

“Every crisis is an opportunity to shrink or expand.”

– Unknown

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August 11, 2021 – JOLT – Hot Market: Residential Ways of Being Upgrades

“I know for sure what we dwell on is who we become.”

Oprah Winfrey


When you think of “residential”. . .

you think of a home, right?

Makes sense, as defines “residence” as: “the place, especially the house, in which a person lives or resides; dwelling; home.”

But if you consider your way of being as a “place in which you live,” then it’s conceivable that we each possess a “residential way of being.”

I mean, just look around and you’ll. . .

  • see that same seemingly grumpy old man every day on your morning walk (agitated)
  • notice that person at the office who always seems to put a positive tone on everything (bubbly)
  • recognize that your mom always interprets you’re not being in touch for a bit as there being something wrong (worried)
  • stop to realize all the times that friend showed up in a pinch (reliable)

So, when we look, we can observe certain primary residential ways of being in those around us. And, guess what that means: we have residential ways of being ourselves!

Now, if we can step outside of ourselves enough (challenging) to notice, we may see some that we like and some that we honestly (if we’re being really, really, real) don’t like.

Far easier than our tainted self-analysis, is to ask others we know and trust to tell us what our residential ways of being may be. (Honest input must be requested profusely!)

And, what I propose is that, should we find such everyday, blind-spot, behind-the-scenes, invisible and unawares ways of being that we may want to drop, it’s totally possible by focusing/studying/reading about/talking about/mimicking the opposite!

So, agitated antonyms into calm; worried into trusting; critical into acknowledging; tight into generous; etc.

Sure, it takes some concerted effort and attention to shift a perhaps dyed-in-the-wool residential way of being but — like my parents who just left her home and hometown of 60 years to move to another home in another state — a “residential upgrade” always portends for a new life ahead.

Given your way of being is the filter through which life comes to you and comes out of you, can you think of a better piece of real estate to develop in this hot market?

I’ll discuss this more today at noon PST in the regular Wednesday Facebook Live video in our Back Forty Midlife Fliers group (join us here).

If you’re interested in upgrading who you’re being about your career, check out a FREE 15-minute educational video my HR executive wife and I put together to support you to be ready for fall career hiring.

Yes, you’d be amazed how, beyond a good resume, your being in a position to meet the thought-leaders, hiring professionals and executives in an authentic research mode can initiate way more traction than the typical front-door application approach. And, best thing is, you’re making those connections in a more personal and relationship-building way, which is way more fun and way less pressured.

Check it out here – – and let me know if you have any questions.

BTW, it’s a BRAND SPANKING NEW program with some polish, nips and tucks to be implemented. . .which is why we’re offering a HUGE discount for our initial beta testers. The tuition will increase in September, so NOW is the time to engage. . .and get a leg up on other fall job seekers.

This is the structure that will have you becoming stronger and better out of whatever career challenges you’ve been through:

Think differently, play better.


CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier


Got a residential way of being upgrade?

“Remember how far you’ve come, not just how far you have to go. You are not where you want to be, but neither are you where you used to be.”

– Rick Warren

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July 28, 2021 – JOLT – Inquiring (Beyond Answer) Minds Want To Know…

“We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself.”

Lloyd Alexander


What’s the difference between growing. . .

and remaining fixed? Staying in inquiry versus finding an “answer.”

For sure, with traditional education pounding us for exemplary grades to then make it in a highly competitive workplace, there’s a huge pull toward finding and stating the “answers”: from facts-spewed-back tests all the way to shareholder-focused boardroom solutions.

Answers are what consultants and experts get paid for.

Granted, the system prides answers because they pay off, especially short term. But, outside of the system, do they always pay off for you personally?

  • When that role you wanted so bad was the “answer” but then it got stale with no progress?


  • When that profession you locked into was the “answer” but then lost it’s sheen?


  • When that person you were sure would complete you was your “answer” to relationship, but it fizzled?

Look, we can’t help but look for answers. We’re wired that way. Yet, when finding one, perhaps it’s good to remember that answers are, at best, for the moment. . .and to engage in ongoing “inquiry” beyond any such answer for more long-term results.

Counter to finding an answer, inquiry is about being open to possibilities, flexible to consider a wide variety of directions, and willing to step outside the safety zone that an “answer” provides.

  • When the role is the answer for the moment but only a starting point for exploration of greater knowledge and abilities to be gained. . .inquiry is present.


  • When the profession is an answer for the moment but only a launch pad for further examination and expression of your evolving Self. . .inquiry is present.


  • When that person you were sure would complete you is the answer for the moment but only as the beginning of a dive into two becoming one through exposure, vulnerability and mutual healing. . .inquiry is present.

So, perhaps we want to tease ourselves in all areas of life to get our answers. Then, quickly follow up to strengthen ourselves ongoingly with inquiry.

I’ll discuss this more today at noon PST in the regular Wednesday Facebook Live video in our Back Forty Midlife Fliers group (join us here).

If you’re interested in inquiring into your career for possibilities beyond what you see now, check out a new program my HR executive wife and I put together to get folks ramped up for the BEST career transition time upon us: summer!

Yes, you’d be amazed how, beyond a good resume, your being in a position to meet the thought-leaders, hiring professionals and executives sitting beside you at the beach or an outdoor cafe can actually initiate way more traction than the typical front-door application approach. And, best thing is, you’re making those connections when most people think summer is the time to lay back on making career moves. . .putting you ahead!

Check it out here – – and let me know if you have any questions.

BTW, it’s a BRAND SPANKING NEW program with some polish, nips and tucks to be implemented. . .which is why we’re offering a HUGE discount for our initial beta testers.

This is the structure that will have you becoming stronger and better out of whatever career challenges you’ve been through:

Think differently, play better.


CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier


Got your inquiry beyond your answer?

“All the world is a laboratory to the inquiring mind.”

Martin H. Fischer

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July 14, 2021 – JOLT – Staging Your Big Play On The Way

“Creating a scene is thus the staging of a desire.”

Charles Baxter


A contrarian concept that can apply to all of life. . .

is one of “staging” vs “aging.”

It’s a twist of thinking that I offer in the introduction to my upcoming book, The Back Forty: 7 Essential Embraces to Launch Life’s Radical Second Half, and it counters what generally-accepted societal wisdom says about getting older: that in all ways, we become less of ourselves (body, mind, opportunities, creativity, ingenuity, sexiness, etc.).

Society says all of those areas have LESS potential once we’re over 50, 60, etc., and that’s the model of aging we grew up with. However, what if that’s only BS (a belief system) that we’ve inherited and the “truth” could be anything we make it?

What if we adopt a model of staging rather than aging. And, in this metaphorical model, just as in the theatre a scene must be prepared before a big production is to happen, our first half of life/career/relationships/health/purpose was only the set preparation for the big “play” yet to come?

If you start to hang out in that mindset, what might be next for you business-wise and career-wise? What next-level of relationship might open up for exploration? Where might your health be elevated even beyond where it’s been in all those early years when you didn’t think about it so much? And what might be a bigger game of purpose that you could only play NOW because of everything you’ve been through?

The main tenet of The Back Forty philosophy says that your first half of life was just R & D, research and development, for your second half/best half ahead.

What would a life of staging gracefully versus aging gracefullly in every area look like? What scene are you setting for your greater desire to unfold?

I’ll discuss this more today at noon PST in the regular Wednesday Facebook Live video in our Back Forty Midlife Fliers group (join us here).

If you’re interested in “staging” your career forward in ways you’ve only imagined, check out a new program my HR executive wife and I put together to get folks ramped up for the BEST career transition time upon us: summer!

Yes, you’d be amazed how, beyond a good resume, your being in a position to meet the thought-leaders, hiring professionals and executives sitting beside you at the beach or an outdoor cafe can actually initiate way more traction than the typical front-door application approach. And, best thing is, you’re making those connections when most people think summer is the time to lay back on making career moves. . .putting you ahead!

Check it out here – – and let me know if you have any questions.

BTW, it’s a BRAND SPANKING NEW program with some polish, nips and tucks to be implemented. . .which is why we’re offering a HUGE discount for our initial beta testers.

This is the structure that will have you becoming stronger and better out of whatever career challenges you’ve been through:

Think differently, play better.


CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier


Got staging for your big play?

“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”

Paulo Coelho

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July 7, 2021 – JOLT – Second-Half Risky Business?

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

Helen Keller

Even though we all want to start out on top. . .

we all know that it’s what’s on the scoreboard at the end of the game that matters.

Question: with the first half of 2021 under your belt, what are you playing for now, in what ways are you stretching now, and who are you committed to becoming now?

There’s always grand plans at the beginning of a year. And, with all that we’ve been through (and still dealing with, to a great degree), it would be easy to just try to find a comfortable, easy zone to now hang out in.

But, guess what: life is either a growing or declining business. . .there’s no “hanging out” in place.

So, there’s a second half of the game called your post-pandemic-year life staring you in the face. What will you do to risk, to amp your heartbeat, to build more muscle, and in what area?

Did Covid sour your pre-pandemic career-growth aspirations?

Has Covid-butt hung around more than Covid itself, and some body work is in order?

With PPP and PUA in your rear-view mirror, is it time to create a new growth plan for your business?

Was Spring in the air but masking got in the way of your new relationship interests?

What risky business are YOU going to take on to have 2021 wrap up in six months with YOU being stretched, expanded and having become more of who you want to be?

Don’t miss your halftime huddle and the opportunity to play bigger. You have a big score ahead.

I’ll discuss this more today at noon PST in my regular Wednesday Facebook Live video for our new Back Forty Midlife Fliers group (see the link above and join us).

If the chaos of the last year impacted moving your career forward in the way you want, check out a new program my HR executive wife and I put together to get folks ramped up for the BEST career transition time upon us: summer!

Yes, you’d be amazed how, beyond a good resume, your being in a position to meet the thought-leaders, hiring professionals and executives sitting beside you at the beach or an outdoor cafe can actually initiate way more traction than you’d imagine. . .when most people think summer is the time to lay back.

Check it out here – – and let me know if you have any questions.

BTW, it’s a BRAND SPANKING NEW program with some polish, nips and tucks to be implemented. . .which is why we’re offering a HUGE discount for our initial beta testers.

This is the structure that will have you becoming stronger and better out of whatever career challenges you’ve been through:

Think differently, play better.


CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier


Got second-half risky business?

“If you dare nothing, then when the day is over, nothing is all you will have gained.”

Neil Gaiman

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