“The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.” – Anna Quindlen
Did you miss my last “I’M BAAAAACK!” JOLT Note last week? See PART I HERE and, if it speaks to you, follow it up with the second installment below. Thanks for your interest in “Becoming”.
The Call of Becoming
My new book that came out in February, The Back Forty: 7 Essential Embraces to Launch Life’s Radical Second Half, funnily enough, is actually all about what’s going on with me right now: a personal evolution of sorts.
As many of you who like to be as project-oriented and single-focused as me, once a long-sought, long-fought and inspired project is birthed, there’s a new level to be acknowledged and dealt with. I call it “Becoming”.
It’s kind of backwards: it’s not that we somehow “become” and then go out as whatever we say we’ve chosen to Be, but first we need to declare who we want to Be and then step into the “becoming process” of that.
When we take on the fulfillment of big goals and dreams in life, we must rise to the occasion internally to align with what and whom that new goal or dream requires us to Be. To have a goal become a reality in our life, we must develop the mental and emotional “energy equivalent” on the inside so that the goal is accomplished on the outside. It’s the internal alignment of energy which draws that dream or goal into reality. As the saying goes, “As within, so without.”
First, we declare it (our goal, dream, who we want to become, etc.). Then, in doing so, we initiate our process of Becoming it.
Big dreams come into fruition by living into the gaps that we actively create for ourselves between who and where we are right now and who and where we’ve declared that we want to Be. Closing that gap by Becoming is what allows us to reach those goals. Interestingly, the person at the end of that goal achievement has “become” a completely different human being than the one who first envisioned it.
Writing The Back Forty was, in effect, the declaration part of Becoming for me. And, WHOOOO Boy (!), the Becoming gaps have been revealed in droves! (That’s good news. . .because I’m not going to Become it and those dreams aren’t going to materialize until those gaps are closed.)
I appreciate your time, so I’ll end here for today and continue next week with the “rubber meets the road” of PART III, “Turning Talk Into Walk”. Stay tuned and thanks for listening.
“Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.” – John Wooden
The post October 19, 2022 – JOLT – Part II: The Call of Becoming appeared first on CareerGuy.com.
“It’s not so much knowing when to speak, when to pause.” – Jack Benny
The Weird Intro
This may be the weirdest update I’ve put out in my over 10 years of pretty-much weekly JOLT Note newsletters. . .but who said weird is a bad thing? I’m learning it’s not.
I do know that reading time is at a premium for all of us, so this update will likely come in sequels. First installment below. . .and, if what I write is of interest and might support you, stay tuned. (Maybe I’m not alone in what I’ll share.)
New Management
You haven’t heard from me for a while because, frankly, after completing a 20-year project of bringing out my last book in the spring — though I carried on “as usual” for a few months until late May – an expiration of the old “me” and a not-yet-sorted-out emergence of a new “me” prevented the sending of the same ‘ol same ‘ol weekly email.
So, in late May, the “me” that was then running the show took a pause from this decade-long weekly newsletter. And, at this point, I’m honestly not sure what forms or consistency it will have going forward under the “new management” but I’m at least sending out a smoke signal that life still exists over here and I invite you to stay tuned.
The Necessary Pause
I’m not sure if this communicates as I’d like it to, but an individual (namely, me) can’t really offer consistent and congruent communications when the entity at the source (namely, me) is in flux. And, as you’ll read in the coming weeks, it’s been a fluxathon!
I’m reaching out to reconnect and share with you a bit about the evolvement of the new me that is turning his walk into his talk. So, I’ll be opening up with you more personally than I have in the past and going a more naked and vulnerable route.
And know this: if you choose to hang with me for the evolution and emergence of the new me coming on board here in this newsletter (and in my service and contributions as a whole), at least you’ll be clued in to what’s happening behind the scenes.
Earnestly: I appreciate you having been a reader for however long that’s been and if what the emerging “me” has to say contributes to you and your own career and life evolvement, that’s awesome and always my wish.
I’ll end here for today and continue next week with the deeper subject matter that I want to convey, “The Call of Becoming”. Stay tuned and thanks for listening.
“For me, becoming isn’t about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. The journey doesn’t end.” – Michelle Obama
The post October 12, 2022 – JOLT – Answering the Call of Becoming appeared first on CareerGuy.com.