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March 20, 2024 – JOLT – One Daily Habit for an Ocean of Possibilities

How will you touch the ocean?

Recently, I was “sharing” (spiritual euphemism for complaining) with a friend that I have so many plates spinning and projects projecting that I don’t get up from my desk much of the day.

I continued to share how unfortunate that is because the expansive beach can be seen right from my office window in all of its sandy blue glory.

Hey, it’s great to have many things, big and small, to put my attention on, yet this whole “quality of life” bird is always chirping on my shoulder that it wants to be fed.


All the difference making in the world vs. Basic enjoyment of daily life


All the money in the world vs. Happy, joyous and free creativity


Getting shit done vs. Having fun!


I know it’s not a personal dilemma. And yet these are questions only I can answer very personally from my own unique speck of identifiable sand along the beachfront of humanity.

My friend suggested, “Why don’t you simply make a habit of touching the ocean every day?”

Can you identify with that as one of those quick quips of seeming little importance that we throw out to each other as humans? At first I did, and laughed it off.

But then I rethought: “Hey, without any extensive navel pondering or deep existential or ontological surgery on myself, what if I simply did that??”

The simple act of doing that on a daily basis would likely begin to shift the entire underlying values system I’m currently under the administration of!

I’ve heard that we can’t THINK ourselves into right ACTING, but we can ACT ourselves into right THINKING.

So, guess what I’m up to these days. . .for at least the 10 minutes it takes to cross the street, walk down the steps and stroll 40 yards of sand to the water?

What’s your version of touching the ocean?

Your AI (Aspiration Intelligence) enhanced mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find your own way to touch the ocean of your happy, joyous and free existence on a daily basis.

Think differently, play better.



CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier

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March 20, 2024 – JOLT – Top Notch Dating Advice. . .From Your CareerGuy


Job Dating

I’ve used the metaphor for years that job search is like dating, and that neediness and desperation works well in neither.

Yet knowing and doing are two different things!

As soon as it’s time for a career shift — in most cases never proactively planned but, rather, a knee-jerk reaction to some outside event (layoff, merger, etc) — the primal tendency is to begin wearing lack, need and even worthiness issues on our shirt sleeves.

Like the dating quote above says, you don’t choose the best people when in a needy state. You also don’t choose the best organizations or roles when you’re desperate for a job.

“But, Darrell, what if I really DO need a job, and right now?”

My advice is that the best way to get a job is to not be looking for one!

“But, Darrell, what if I really DO need a job, and right now? How do I not look for one?”

Hello???? My advice isn’t going to change!

So, you’re either going to find a way to manage your mind and disposition so as to NOT show up as a desperate and needy job seeker or you’ll just go the standard and well-worn path of bad dating: usually ending in lower self-esteem, decreased joy and even heartache.

“But Darrell, what if I really DO need a job, and right now? How do I manage my mind?”

Good question! You’ve now gotten to the core of it!

The answer is simple and can be easily learned: focus on Research and Human Connection.

When you are truly out for Research, you avoid the traps of neediness while building the best skill one can have these days: the skill of Human Connection.

1. When you’re not needy, you’ll meet more people because people avoid situations where someone may need what they can’t give.

2. When you’re researching to gain info around things that truly fascinate you, you’re imbued with an infectious and energizing energy.

3. When you tap into humans for the sake of being human together (vs. “corporate” or “formally professional”), you build relationship equity that can pay off for both you and them for years to come.

So, your AI (Aspiration Intelligence) enhanced mission, should you choose to accept it, is to develop your mastery of Human Connection for the ROI it will have on your career.

Think differently, play better.



CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier


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