
“The world is beautiful outside when there is stability inside.”



We often want things to move fast. The business we’re building, the reach we’re extending, the relationship we’re developing, the role we’re growing into: it’s exciting when things “take off.”

Yet, airplanes have elevators and rudders and rockets have fins to ensure that the speed is contained and focused.

Having our own stabilizers in place and functioning decreases the potential for going off course and ensures that the speed is most capitalized upon.

Regular walks in nature, a fitness regime, dedicated hobby time, regular check-ins with committed listeners can all serve as stabilizers…and yet many get dropped when things get busy.

When asked how much he meditated each day, Gandhi answered two hours. When then asked how much he meditated when things were going crazy around him, he answered four hours.

If things are going astral, what fin can you put in to balance the atmospheric pressure…even if you think there’s no time?

If things aren’t going astral, how can you design fins now for when they do?

Got stabilizers?

“A stable mind is like the hub of a wheel. The world may spin around you, but the mind is steady.”

-B.K.S. Iyengar


Darrell Gurney

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