13 Amazing Facts About The Back Forty Co-Founders

Darrell & Alexandra

If you read our blog or follow us on social media, you probably know by now what The Back Forty is all about. It is about creating your second half of life as your best half of life and embracing the idea that your best is yet to come.

But how much do you know about our co-founders? Do you even know their names? Well, today I am unmasking the co-founders behind the curtain with 13 facts. So, without further ado, let’s learn about The Back Forty Co-Founders, Darrell Gurney and Alexandra Levin:

  1. Darrell & Alexandra have been in a loving and empowering relationship since 2014
  2. Alexandra immigrated to the US from communist Russia in 1987 after trying to leave for 13 years
  3. Darrell is the father of one son
  4. Alexandra published her first book, The IMBUE Journal: Inspiring Massive Beauty Uniquely Expressed, in April of 2017
  5. Darrell believes that he has yet to do what he came here to do and that his best is still yet to come
  6. Darrell & Alexandra live in condo in Long Beach with a beautiful view of the ocean
  7. Alexandra became a co-founder of The Back Forty in 2015
  8. Darrell traveled to Europe and lived in London for a year in 1985
  9. Alexandra graduated from Cal State Northridge in 1999 with an MBA
  10. Darrell has also worked as a Career and Spiritual Coach for over 25 years
  11. Alexandra is the mother of two daughters
  12. Darrell launched his first Back Forty online course, A Back Forty Re-NEW-ALL, in May of 2017
  13. Alexandra believes everyone should live their life as a self-expression of having already arrived

Now that you’ve gotten to know our co-founders a bit more, which of the above facts surprised you the most? Which fact made you the most interested? Who do you connect with knowing what you now know?


Darrell Gurney

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