August 30, 2017 – TGIW JOLT Note

“Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it.” –Song of Solomon

The physical devastation of flooding, like what is going on simultaneously in Texas/Louisiana and on the other side of the world in Mumbai, is heartbreaking.

There’s no quick fix, logical or spiritual bypass to alleviate the human tragedy. No pithy words of wisdom to soothe the pain.

The metaphorical gist of flooding is, of course, a cleaning out and starting over.

That metaphor doesn’t do much right now for the victims of torrential rains, and yet we can all relate to those unplanned, starting-over points that life brings…from which we somehow arise.

I’m keeping it short and sweet today, and encouraging all of us — regardless of the floods of life experience we’ve been through or are currently in — to send mindful energy the way of those who need it most: to know that there is something on the other side when the water recedes.

I’m making The Back Forty Re-NEW-ALL Program below FREE for those who have been affected by this physical devastation. It’s all about taking a pro-active stance, in the face of devastation, to point ourselves toward our next and best life to come. Please forward this to those it can support, and have them simply reply email me.

And do consider supporting the relief efforts and renewal cause through finding appropriate organizations to support. This NYT article can help point you in the right direction. (

There’s nothing like a big, cold bucket of water in the face to wake us up.

What can you, personally and proactively, clean out and transform before your own wake-up call? And how can you actively renew yourself for your greater yet to come?

Got a flood of change?

“Under floods that are deepest, which Neptune obey, over rocks that are steepest, love will find out the way.” –Percy’s Reliques

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Darrell Gurney

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