December 27, 2017 – TGIW JOLT Note

“I feel like I have a new life and I’m going to take full advantage of it.” –William Green

Thank God for totally made up rituals that encourage us to begin again.

There’s no particular or scientific “reason” that new intentions, resolutions, or changes instituted in the next week are any more valid or sustainable than those made at any other time of the year.

Time itself is a made up concept. Yet, historically, humanity has chosen to place a lot of weight on the transition from one specific day to another: New Years Day.

So, we might as well jump on that bandwagon for all it’s worth. Even if, only gradually, we can annually see ourselves becoming more the person we want to be and doing the things we want to do, any effort toward change is worthwhile.

For the last 5 weeks, I’ve offered you FREE tips, tools and resources for milking this period of restart, both as a thank you for subcribing and out of my commitment to your particular best yet to come.

Today, and for this next week only, I’m opening up the door to my most powerful gift of these 40 Days of Thanksgiving — “A Back Forty Re-NEW-ALL Program” — as a resource for you to use in these last few days of 2017 to begin 2018 renewed, re-intentioned and recharged.

A Back Forty Re-NEW-ALL Program is my most recent online course to support you to turn life’s lemons into gold (come on…who didn’t get a lemon in 2017?) and pointing you toward the new person those experiences are giving you the opportunity to be.

Thing is, though my previous gifts have been completely free, our new online program server doesn’t allow the course to be given away completely free…but I can discount it to the max!

So, I’m doing that, and if you care to put only ONE DOLLAR toward your 2018 possibilities (actually, 97 cents), you’ll access this new online course…along with all the other gifts given for the last 5 weeks.

I only ask — because it’s my newest and most heartfelt course — that you be willing to give us a review afterwards so others can see what’s possible for themselves from your experience.


Let’s go into this New Year with all the power of the new beings the last year created us to be!

Reminder: As a thank you for subscribing to this ongoing weekly inspiration (4 years, as of last month), I’m offering free gifts and discounts each week between Thanksgiving and the New Year: 40 Days of Thanksgiving.

This will be the last Wednesday “serving of the week” but you can still get them all now…and may our last days of 2017 be cleansing, uplifting, renewing and respirational for what lies ahead.

Today’s Serving (please pass it around the table to those it can help):

A Back Forty Re-NEW-ALL Program ($29 Value) for only $1.

Get Access to the discount code HERE


Got restart?

“Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.” –Carol Burnett

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Darrell Gurney

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