December 6, 2017 – TGIW JOLT Note

“Almost every successful person begins with two beliefs: the future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so.” –David Brooks
Sometimes our inspiration, advancement and growth comes naturally and easily.
Sometimes, we need to generate it.
The feelings won’t always be aligned with the direction we’d prefer to go. Comfort zones are…well, comfy.
While acknowledging the feelings, we can choose to either be at the effect of them, or choose to generate a new possibility…even if out of thin air.
Fake it ’til you make it isn’t necessarily a sustainable, long-term track, but it beats the absolute non-productivity of falling prey to a mood, fear or comfort.
As we continue the 40 Days of Thanksgiving between the recent Thanksgiving holiday and the beginning of the New Year, this hopeful time will have many moods.
Also, what’s possible in the New Year can bring up many fears.
December may be the time to generate and call the shot on how it’s going to be…through the holidays and into 2018.
In that vein, I offered you last week a hugely cool exercise, Milestones & Memorable Moments, to help you review and appreciate your 2017.
This week, my gift is a video course to support your career expansion possibilities in 2018. I’ve offered this course to over 9000 students worldwide at $20, yet I’m giving it to you as a continued thank you for being a subscriber.
As you view the Preview of Dream Job Lifeline, begin to consider how the power of connections can help you generate your career growth outside the comfort zone in 2018. And, begin to apply the principles now…because this holiday period is the BEST time of the year for making connections!
Reminder: As a thank you for subscribing to this ongoing weekly inspiration (4 years, as of last month), I’m offering free gifts each week between Thanksgiving and the New Year: 40 Days of Thanksgiving.
So, please watch for “the serving of the week” each Wednesday, and may our last 40 days of 2017 be cleansing, uplifting, renewing and respirational for what lies ahead.
Today’s Serving (please pass it around the table to those it can help):
Preview: Dream Job Lifeline (Value, $20)
Get Access to the Course HERE
Got generating?
“Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.” –Chris Grosser
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