January 10, 2018 – JOLT – Rise Above

“Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine.” – Mario Fernandez

There’s a lot of noise…

And you and I have a fresh start at rising above it.

The New Year gives us an opportunity to transcend the noise: in your career, in your business, in world events, and primarily, in your head.

Your head wants to move forward but is sometimes weighed down by the past rationalizing loudly “Can anything really change? Can I really change?”

If there ever was a perfect time — other than birthdays — to start thinking and acting differently, you just hit that time stamp 10 days ago.

So, without all the serious pomp and circumstance of creating new years resolutions, what are some areas you could institute changes in, of even a seemingly minor consequence? It all starts with simply starting.

For example, on New Years Day, without any forethought or planning, I simply decided to end each day this year by reviewing a powerful quote on my phone, and then to review it again and meditate on it in the morning.

No big wup, you might say, but who knows how this little contextual shift might impact everything coming in between my morning and evening bookending of that power quote?

Look for yourself: what could you just begin now that would support you rising above some noise in your own life? A new daily practice? A new hobby, even in the face of your claims of not enough time? A new mindset about approaching your career and dreams?

In regard to your career and dreams, here’s a free gift I’d like to offer you to inspire you above the noise (possibly in your own head) that says this year will be no different than any other.

Your career and your dreams will be what you make of them. Let’s have them be louder than the noise, starting NOW. Get a helpful gift at http://careerguy.com/free-gift.

Got rise above?

“Don’t get mad. Don’t get even. Do better. Much better. Rise above. Become so engulfed in your own success that you forget it ever happened.” – Donald Driver

The post January 10, 2018 – JOLT – Rise Above appeared first on CareerGuy.com.

Darrell Gurney

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