March 14, 2018 – JOLT – Questionable Health?

“Excellent firms don’t believe in excellence – only in constant improvement and constant change.” – Tom Peters

A healthy state of career and life…

rarely ever “just happens.”

Rather, it is by questioning and examining, being open and available for greater insight, and feeding a never-ending desire to see what’s missing.

I was once told I was a mismatcher. Explanation: if you want to go to a movie with a “matcher,” you say “Hey, would you like to go to a movie?” If you want to go to a movie with a “mismatcher,” you say “Hey, you wouldn’t want to go to a movie, would you?”

A mismatcher looks for what’s missing. Of course, there can be downfalls to that if taken to extreme. Yet, there is a constant imperative towards growth.

Though voluntarily opening ourselves up for feedback — around our work, business, capacities, skills, etc. — can be very vulnerable, the rewards can be life/direction/self-altering. Plus, voluntarily sought feedback always falls lighter than that which comes unrequested.

In my work with companies conducting 360-degree evaluations for high-potential individuals, their new awareness of the possibilities for positive change is half their battle to getting there. Asking and getting answers to the tough questions are the key.

In what ways are you willing to be questionable for your own healthy life/career/direction today?

I’m also game. Please do me a favor and answer a few quick questions I have for you so I can best serve your needs. I’ll include all respondents in a raffle next week for $369 worth of valuable, career goodies.

Answer the short survey here.

Got questionable health?

“Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.” – Winston Churchill

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Darrell Gurney

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