March 27, 2019 – JOLT – Are you prepared for just when you least expect it?

“Some of the best things in life happen when you least expect them.”- Unknown
It truly pays to prepare in achieving our goals…
and, yet, it’s also baffling when that preparation meets unexpected opportunity.
Once, on a much needed vacation, while sunning in a cabana on a beach in Mexico, a random stranger in swim trunks walked by. We started to chat, about nothing initially. And we casually chatted more later in the hot tub.
That person turned out to be one of the top corporate coaches in the world, the person who the CEOs of big name companies turn to.
He’s now in my phone and will answer any time I call…which I do sparingly.
That time of simply chilling, when I would least expect to make a connection, moved my career and relationships forward.
Guess what? Spring is in the air, and summer is coming. Who knows who will be sitting beside you in an outdoor cafe, or strolling by in swim trunks. Just when you least expect it, you could have an opportunity to connect in a way that moves your career and life forward.
If you’re prepared.
Learning the power of connectedness, the energy of intentions, and how relationships make everything move is good preparation.
Today might be a good time to remember that you’re not alone…and that you never know who is behind you in line for coffee, working out beside you at the gym, or sitting beside you at lunch.
Because, just when you least expect it…
If you want to make the most of spring in the air and the upcoming summer months to move your career and life forward, take advantage of the limited-time early-bird discount for The Career Captain Relaunch Program taking place on May 10-11 in Irvine, CA. Whether it’s a career change or a business boost, there’s a lot of opportunity to be seized…if you’re prepared.
Got least expect its?
“The best kind of relationships begin unexpectedly. When you get the astonished feeling and everything happens so suddenly…It comes to you just at the right time; the time you never thought it would have.” – Unknown
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