May 9, 2018 – JOLT – The hard truth about reviews…

“If you’re not getting any bad reviews, you’re not taking any risks.”- Susan Egan
One of the toughest things…
…is getting reviewed.
It’s not something we necessarily look forward to, though we know deep inside that it’s generally going to make us better. Can you say medicine?
Like all medicine, it may taste bad going down but, as we appreciate and acknowledge why we’re taking it, our life is usually improved.
It’s the mindset of openness for critique that makes the difference.
If we’re walled off from constructive criticism, we might be living it up in our “own private Idaho,” but won’t see much advancement in our lives.
However, if we can find a safe, inner place to stand — undergirded by our desire for the best [career/business/relationships/health/life] going forward — and open ourselves up for input, we can be shown blind spots we didn’t know we had…and be blessed by that ability to see newly.
None of us can know everything. None of us can do it all “right.” And none of us can know what others can see (right in front of our face) that we don’t.
A great phrase I love about being truly open for supportive input is: “Throw yourself on the sword!”
It means, don’t run away from the sword, and don’t even try to fight it. Rather, impale yourself on it as quickly as you can, brave and willing to have whatever doesn’t work inside you exposed and removed.
It’s a heroic phrase and way of living…but we all love heros.
Where can you open yourself up wide for review today? (Tip: When you pick a place and get reviewed, thank them profusely, no matter what they say…and just sit with it.)
On the career front, if you’d like to connect with me for a Complimentary Resume Review, click here to answer some brief questions and schedule a time. I can’t promise that it will be “complimentary,” but I can promise it will be valuable and, yet, free. If you have questions about that value, see reviews here.
Got reviews?
“Getting bad reviews or doing something that’s not great is also really good for you…it also makes me feel…that I’ve earned my stripes a bit.”- Greta Gerwig
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