September 6, 2017 – TGIW JOLT Note

“Every test in our life makes us bitter or better, every problem comes to break us or make us. The choice is ours whether we become VICTIM or VICTOR.” –Unknown

They just keep coming don’t they?

The storms — physical or metaphorical — to keep making us stronger.

And that’s all so much Pollyanna conjecture if you’re not down in the muck having to deal with havoc, right?

Yet, we’ve all known the feeling of being in the trenches in life, in one form or another. When you’re mired in it personally, it’s hard to take the long view of how “lucky” you are.

One very vital service we can all provide one another is to be the ones reminding those on the current-chaos side of town that there is and will always be another choice.

It’s not a predetermined net loss, no matter how strong the evidence may be.

Choosing to find the gold in the midst of the gunk is an actual decision one can make.

And it makes all the difference in the life that follows.

I’m making The Back Forty Re-NEW-ALL Program below FREE for those who have been affected by Harvey and oncoming Irma. It’s all about taking a pro-active stance, in the face of devastation, to point ourselves toward our next and best life to come. Please forward this to those it can support, and have them simply reply email me.

Got a multiple choice test?

“Excuse the mess, but we live here.” –Roseanne Barr

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Darrell Gurney

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