December 25, 2019 – JOLT -A universal season for a reason?

“Teacher says every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.“ – Zuzu Bailey
Although it’s been said many times, many ways…
Merry Hanukkah…
Happy Christmas…
Joyous Kwanzaa…
Cool Yule…
Spectacular Solstice…
Rockin’ New Year…
to You!
Find your 2020 TEAM.
I’ve been running local mastermind groups full of folks producing amazing results…and plan to offer the same opportunities virtually in 2020. If you’d like more information, simply respond to this email expressing your interest. We’ll chat personally to assess your 2020 vision and TEAM readiness.
And, if you’d like to explore the impact of a coach on your sidelines as you look to play bigger and better, schedule a session here. Even the pros — especially the pros — have a coach in their Big Game.
Got the universal season?
“The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else up.” – Mark Twain
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