June 23, 2021 – JOLT – Some Bombs Do More Good Than Harm

“Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional.” – Roger Crawford |
We all know that adversity is a part of life. . .
but how many of us go around looking for trouble?
Of course, human nature is to move away from pain toward pleasure, from challenge toward comfort, and from uncertainty towards safety. We for sure don’t invite hardships into our lives.
BUT, when they do come, as they inevitably will, how we relate to them makes all the difference in living powerfully.
Just what if every challenging event or influence that’s ever happened to you was only a higher level of YOU inviting you into becoming the fullest YOU you came here to be?
What if the “Becoming Bombs” that have landed around or on you were only to get you on track for the real plan you always had in (some grander) Mind?
If you apply this simple idea to your career, relationships, healthy, finances, dreams and sense of purpose, what do you see?
I guarantee that you won’t see any victim in the mix.
I’ll discuss this more today in my regular Wednesday Facebook Live video for our new group (see the link above and join us).
Lemons to lemonade, “Becoming Bombs” to major life pivots. . .call it what you will, but one thing’s for sure: it’s not what happens in life but how you perceive it and engage with it that tells your life story.
And, though we don’t invite hardships, if we know that we’ll come out of them a whole new upgraded human being, it takes the fearful sting out of super-cautiously avoiding them, doesn’t it?
If the chaos of the last year impacted moving your career forward in the way you want, check out a new program my HR executive wife and I put together to get folks ramped up for the BEST career transition time upon us: summer!
Yes, you’d be amazed how, beyond a good resume, your being in a position to meet the thought-leaders, hiring professionals and executives sitting beside you at the beach or an outdoor cafe can actually initiate way more traction than you’d imagine. . .when most people think summer is the time to lay back.
Check it out here – https://www.careersecrets.com/dream-job-landing-pad – and let me know if you have any questions.
BTW, it’s a BRAND SPANKING NEW program with some polish, nips and tucks to be implemented. . .which is why we’re offering a HUGE discount for our initial beta testers.
This is the structure that will have you becoming stronger and better out of whatever career challenges you’ve been through: https://www.careersecrets.com/dream-job-landing-pad.
Think differently, play better.
CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier
Got becoming bombs direction?
“You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice.” |
The post June 23, 2021 – JOLT – Some Bombs Do More Good Than Harm appeared first on CareerGuy.com.