February 16, 2022 – JOLT – Ready? Set? READ Your Way Into Your Midlife Makeover

“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” – Charles W. Eliot
Who reads books these days, and are you one of them?
A recent study by Pew Research says that “roughly a quarter of American adults (23%) say they haven’t read a book in whole or in part in the past year, whether in print, electronic or audio form.” It also says that those over 50 are less likely to read versus their younger counterparts.
Well, tell me then: if a great segment of those impacted by “The Great Resignation” and “The Great Reset” are folks in the mid to upper sides of their career, how does healthy, transformative insight on how to shape both one’s career or retirement get to those who need it??
I’d like to impact the stats to see if us busy mid-career and midlife folks can actually give ourselves some much needed self-care, personal assessment and reevaluation time.
My newest book, The Back Forty: 7 Essential Embraces to Launch Life’s Radical Second Half, has been called “a perfectly timed tool for reevaluation brought on by ‘The Great Resignation’ occurring in today’s world economy” by Midwest Book Review.
The rub, however, is setting aside time for the reading necessary to engage in that reevaluation. And, if you’re like me, unless I have it set in stone in my schedule and a structure of support to keep me accountable, I fall short of my desired/intended/necessary personal reading goals.
So, if this is a time for your own personal, (almost) post-Covid reevaluation of life, career, meaning, purpose or even retirement planning, here’s a support structure for you!
Back Forty Readers Groups!
If you could use the support of a midlife makeover guide, of which Marshall Goldsmith declares “This is indeed radical thinking!” and would actually stand a chance of actually getting through it by having a weekly schedule of meetings with others to share your insights, then this could be your ticket to “the examined life” we could all use more of these days.
If you haven’t yet, download or have sent to you in a matter of days The Back Forty: 7 Essential Embraces to Launch Life’s Radical Second Half now.
Please forward and share this with those who you believe could use some healthy and wholistic bibliotherapy just about now.
Think differently, play better.
CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier
Got your Back Forty reevaluation team? “It is is better to know one book intimately than a hundred superficially.” – Donna Tartt
The post February 16, 2022 – JOLT – Ready? Set? READ Your Way Into Your Midlife Makeover appeared first on CareerGuy.com.