November 23, 2022 – JOLT – PART VI 1/2: The Call of THANKSGIVING

PART VI 1/2: Been out of touch, but I was answering the call of Becoming
Did you miss my last “I’M BAAAAACK!” JOLT Notes from the last several weeks? See PART I through Part VI HERE and, if they speak to you, follow them up with the sixth-and-a-half installment below. Thanks for your interest in “Becoming”.
Nothing But Thanks!
Keeping it short and sweet today, putting a brief pause in the multi-installment series of “I’M BAAAAACK!” JOLT Notes from the last several weeks so that you can. . .
Keeping it short and sweet today, putting a brief pause in the multi-installment series of “I’M BAAAAACK!” JOLT Notes from the last several weeks so that you can. . .
1) Hear my wish for you, your family and friends to celebrate and enjoy your Thanksgiving with all the gratitude that you WISH you could feel every day of the year.
Isn’t it a great day at the gym of “THANKS”, “GIVING” us a whole day of much needed workout to build the spiritual muscles to experience the life of which Elvis sang: “If every day could be just like [Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, My Birthday, etc.], what a wonderful world it would be?”
2) Catch up on any past installments you may have missed since Oct. 12 HEREand be prepared for a personal invitation coming your way shortly to participate in a small group of inspired players to bring your “one day/someday” goals into reality in the New Year: The Back Forty Play Project (Want a preview? Grab a copy of the award-winning book The Back Forty: 7 Essential Embraces to Launch Life’s Radical Second Half and schedule a complimentary PlayGame Huddle with me next week HERE. I’ll fill you in.)
3) Get off of email and go finish that cooking!!!
Our Best Wishes for a Good “Thanks” Workout to You and Yours “Giving” the Spirit of the Holidays!!
Think differently, play better.
CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier
“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” – Willie Nelson
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